Our use of Artificial Intelligence

This document provides information regarding the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) within our employee and candidate evaluation tools.
Various localities require disclosure regarding the use of AI in systems that affect employment decisions. However, whether you are located in a region that requires disclosure or not, it's a good idea to become familiar with how AI technology is being applied in the systems you utilize.
What is AI?
AI is an abbreviation for Artificial Intelligence. Artificial intelligence is the simulation of human intelligence processes by machines, especially computer systems. Specific applications of AI can include speech recognition, natural language processing and machine vision (Reference Burns et al., 2022).
How does AI work?
AI is often referred to as machine learning. AI requires a foundation of specialized hardware and software for writing and training machine learning algorithms. In general, AI systems work by ingesting large amounts of labeled training data, analyzing the data for correlations and patterns, and using these patterns to make predictions about future states (Burns et al., 2022).
AI programming focuses on acquiring data and creating algorithms for how to turn the data into actionable information. The algorithms provide computing devices with step-by-step instructions for how to complete a specific task (Burns et al., 2022).
Where Do We Use AI and How Is It Scored?
Essay Scoring: Essays written in English by candidates are scored using AI. AI specifically handles the scoring of content (in some cases), grammar and style. When scoring content, the AI system compares uses a knowledge base of 200 - 500 human scored sample essays on the same topic to perform the evaluation.
Spoken Language Assessments: Spoken language assessments utilize AI for speech recognition (similar to how Apple's Siri and Amazon's Alexa use speech recognition). The generated speech text is then used to determine if the correct response was spoken.
Video Interviews (live and recorded): AI is used to transcribe video interviews and analyze speech. We utilize BigTinCan, an AI-powered practice and coaching platform, for all voice analyses. VoiceVibes was developed using AI and machine learning algorithms, predicting how your voice is likely to be perceived by others. BigTinCan measures the paraverbal features of speech and assigns a score based on 20 different "vibes" that the speaker conveys. The vibes are derived from proprietary predictive models. Paraverbal components of speech include pitch, volume, pausing, and pace. Machine learning models were developed using 1800 samples, followed by independent validation of the predictions by a third party using 600 samples. The labels of the vibes were linguistically analyzed to ensure they had a common meaning to listeners resulting in an accuracy of prediction from 90 to 100% (Truninger, 2021).
Video Interviews (recorded) and Essay Questions: AI is used to analyze text-based content to analyze various personality factors. We utilize a 3rd party service that uses semantic analysis to compare statements made in video or text-based responses to known indicators of personality characteristics. High correlation between statements indicate the degree to which the author displays these characteristics.
Remote Test Proctoring: An optional feature, Remote Proctoring, utilizes AI for face to face comparisons, monitoring face direction, and scans for suspicious devices (cellphones). Our remote proctoring features come in different degrees (low stakes to high stakes) that can be changed depending on your specific requirements.
Automated Reference Checks: AI is used to transcribe recorded responses to reference check questions. The transcripts are presented to employers as part of the results report.
Want To Learn More?
To learn more about our use of AI, please contact us.
For more information on how we protect your data, please refer to our Privacy Policy.
Burns, E., Laskowski, N., & Tucci, L. (2022, February 23). What is Artificial Intelligence (AI)? definition, benefits and use cases. SearchEnterpriseAI. Retrieved April 1, 2022, AI-Artificial-Intelligence.
Truninger, M., Ruderman, M. N., Clerkin, C., Fernandez, K. C., & Cancro, D. (2021). Sounds like a leader: An ascription–actuality approach to examining leader emergence and effectiveness. The Leadership Quarterly, 32(5), 101420.