Back   ClicFlic Part of Impact Award-Winning Team
By Shoa Appelman

The Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology (SIOP) and the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) announced winners of the HRM Impact Award today, and ClicFlic, a leading provider of online employment simulations, is pleased to be part of the winning team. In collaboration with Human Resources Research Organization (HUMRRO), ClicFlic developed an online interactive simulation that leverages animations and branching technology to create a cost-effective approach to evaluating an employee's competencies for promotion for the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF), U.S. Department of Justice. ATF's online solution was determined successful through evidence-based, data-driven analysis. The solution includes a virtual role play (VRP), an automated in-basket simulation, and a situational judgment test. "The HRM Impact Award recognizes organizations that use cutting-edge, evidence-based management practices," said HRM Impact Award Chair Wayne Cascio of SIOP. The award is an international honor presented by SIOP, SHRM, the SIOP Foundation and the SHRM Foundation. ClicFlic's simulation capabilities are used by leading assessment providers around the world, offering everything needed to design, develop and implement engaging assessment and training products. To learn more, please view the release: HRM Impact Award Press Release To learn more about HR Avatar and how our simulations can help your organization, please contact us at (703) 349-3070.

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