Case Study: A Large US-Based Insurance Agency


Please read the case study below to learn how HR Avatar's products have helped our clients overcome a significant problem.

HR Avatar assessments resulted in a 30% decrease in turnover
About the Client

The largest internet flood insurance agency in the US hires candidates who help simplify the process of understanding and obtaining flood insurance for consumers.


Hiring managers were using resumes and gut instincts to make hiring decisions. This resulted in hires who could not follow directions, would not show up to work, and who lacked the customer service skills to help customers.


The insurance provider started using HR Avatar off-the-shelf assessments for hiring decisions. After a resume review, candidates completed assessments that measured Cognitive Ability, Personality, Past Behavior and Skills, in one assessment to help predict success. The assessment interview guides were used during the hiring process to help make the structured interviews productive as well.


Following the implementation of HR Avatar assessments, the agency experienced a sustained 30% decrease in turnover.

The insurance company was able to identify potential top performers by using information provided in the reports. In addition, the Customer Service Representative (with Email and Calls) provided applicants with a realistic preview of job demands, providing candidates more information to help them make decisions about their commitment to the role responsibilities as well.

The agency now requires that all applicants complete the assessment as part of the pre-hire selection process.

No credit card required. Includes 2 free Candidate Credits.
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What Our Customers Say
"We are very happy with HR Avatar! It saves us time in hiring and provides us with a good user interface. We can check references, do video interviews and it speeds up the whole hiring process."
Sueli R., Lider Contabilidade (Accounting Leader)
"Selecting a candidate for a job became an easy and fast task with HR Avatar. We use it to conduct video interviews to avoid the expense of conducting interviews in the office. It gives detailed reports on the qualities and skills of each participant facilitating both the selection process and the assignment of jobs, to make the most of the skills of each applicant."
Abhay V., Iroid Solution (IT Company)
"I speed up the selection of personnel, the extensive catalog of tests allows to accurately qualify the skills and abilities of each applicant in order to assign him/her to a job position that favors his/her performance within the company."
Maggie O., Logistics Department Specialist


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