Case Study: Large Regional US-Based Home Builder

Back   Online Assessments with Remote Proctoring Contributed Significant ROI
About the Client

Large regional homebuilder in the United States operating in 42 markets hires candidates who build strong, personal relationships with customers to make the home-buying process simple and easy.


The hiring process involved an assessment that required candidates schedule an appointment to drive to a test center, display their ID, and complete a paper-based assessment. This was costly for the company and could be burdensome for candidates, some of whom had to drive two hours to an available testing center.


The company implemented a testing solution from HR Avatar that included remote proctoring. The company elected to configure the remote proctoring to take photos of applicants as they complete the assessment, to ensure the person completing the assessment is the person applying for the position. The system also monitors the photos to ensure that the candidate isn't receiving unauthorized assistance.

HR Avatar also implemented the builder's assessment on its platform so that future test takers could continue to be compared to previous applicants.

Currently the home builder administers over 1500 assessments online a year using the remote proctoring solution.


Moving the assessments online resulted in significant ROI.

Test centers require subscription fees, scheduling time, and place a burden on candidates who have to make time for the assessment process and arrange transportation. The paper based assessments also required a manual scoring process, delaying the time it took for results to be sent to recruiters.

By shifting the assessments online, the homebuilder:

  • Decreased test administration costs
  • Decreased time-to-hire by removing the time delay for the assessment
  • Created a better candidate experience by allowing candidates to complete the assessments in the comfort of their own homes, on their own schedule