Our Team

Our team is a fun, motivated group. We get a kick out of helping customers find great employees and helping them avoid costly and painful hiring mistakes. Resumes and bios are certainly available on request, but here's just a little about what makes each one of us special.
Mike Russiello
President and CEO
The driving force behind HR Avatar, Mike brings energy and passion, as well as more than 20 years experience implementing effective pre-hire screening tools. Mike is the visionary behind some of our greatest innovations.
Shoa Appelman
Vice President of Client Services
The face (and voice) of HR Avatar. Shoa ensures every client gets exactly what they need, when they need it. An expert in assessment development and delivery with more than 13 years direct experience, she has become a resource to all of us in just about everything. Often caught answering emails in the middle of the night, Shoa is a world-class communicator who makes sure no one is kept waiting for critical information or follow-up.
Jim Beaty, PhD
Senior Industrial Organizational Psychologist
Jim has a PhD in Industrial Organizational Psychology. He provides depth and guidance to many of our product development and customer initiatives. He has a knack for identifying and addressing critical issues that often makes the difference between a good outcome and a great outcome. Alongside his technical knowledge he also has a unique ability to put things in terms all of us can understand - and act on.
Cassandra (Sandy) Stiltz
Industrial Organizational Psychologist
Sandy holds an advanced degree in Industrial Organizational Psychology. She is a hands on industrial psychologist / consultant who is involved with everything from helping customers select the right assessment and interpret their test results to developing new assessments and conducting concurrent validity and fairness studies. Sandy's enthusiasm for helping companies select the best candidates fairly and efficiently is obvious to all who speak with her.
Samantha Spittle
Director of Marketing
Samantha is responsible for communicating HR Avatar's competitive position to the marketplace. She is the creative genius behind our branding and outreach. With more than 15 years of business-to-business and business-to-consumer marketing experience, including running an award-winning podcast, Sam ensures our products deliver what clients really want, and that they are easy to use.
Bill Haase
Head of Accounting and Finance
Bill has over 30 years experience as a CPA. He has helped ensure the financial integrity of HR Avatar since the very beginning of our company. A perpetually optimistic and multi-talented individual, he is a great internal resource for advice and support.
Daniel Robertson
Art and Animation Director
Daniel is the creative genius behind our industry-leading animations, which are used in virtually all of assessments. Able to accurately create two dimensional environments that enhance test realism for candidates, Daniel helps us achieve our industry-leading candidate engagement ratings.
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