Back   Revised edition of the HR Avatar Assessment Library Technical Manual now available
August 8, 2022, 10:00:00 AM EDT

Aldie, VA, August 8, 2022—HR Avatar announces availability of the revised edition of its HR Avatar Assessment Library Technical Manual.

HR Avatar Technical ManualThe latest version of the Technical Manual has been published and is available to download at

What is the HR Avatar Assessment Library Technical Manual?

The manual is a guide that provides test-specific technical data and ongoing research-based advancements in the HR Avatar Assessment Library. It provides basic details of HR Avatar products, what they are, their features, and how to use them.

The manual also documents the intended use of HR Avatar tests, how test scores should be interpreted, defines the psychological constructs measured by each test, and demonstrates validity for the specific use of assessments and interpretation of scores.

Who should read or review the Technical Manual?

The manual is intended for users of the HR Avatar Assessment Library. This includes HR managers, IO Psychologists, Recruiters, Test Administrators and others within an organization who use HR Avatar assessments within their hiring process, as well as those who are considering doing so.

What are the benefits of using the Technical Manual?

The Technical Manual provides users with insight into the HR Avatar test development process and includes important information around the technical performance and validity of our tests. This provides peace of mind that our assessments are developed and maintained in accordance with professional standard.

About HR Avatar, Inc.

Founded in 2009, HR Avatar is a privately held Virginia Corporation based outside Washington, D.C. in Aldie, VA. HR Avatar offers a broad catalog of pre-employment assessments, including over 200 simulation-based, whole-person assessments in multiple languages. Additionally, the company provides selection-focused video interviewing services, online automated reference checks, and secure remote test proctoring.