Back   Pre-Hire Personality Assessment (First-Line Supervisor Focus) now available
September 26, 2022, 2:50:00 PM EDT

Aldie, VA, September 20, 2022—New Pre-Hire Personality Assessment (First-Line Supervisor Focus) now available.

Personality Assessment ScreenshotThe Pre-Hire Personality Assessment (First-Line Supervisor Focus) builds on our popular Pre-Hire Personality Assessment by adding two new measurements categories that measure critical competencies used by first-line supervisors.

The two new competencies: Maintaining Awareness of Team Member Needs and Managing Resources & Balancing Priorities are particularly important to supervisors. Certainly every leader needs to understand the needs of his or her subordinates, but for supervisors this can make the difference between a motivated team that exceeds expectations, and one that continually misses deadlines.

Similarly, resource management is a critical skill for any manager, but it's doubly important for supervisors. To measure this competency, a specially designed situational judgment approach is utilized.

In addition to the new competencies, all baseline competencies as well as our Leader Mindset competency are included. The complete list of competencies measured are:

  • Adaptability
  • Drive
  • Empathy and Emotional Self-Control
  • Integrity
  • Leader Mindset
  • Maintaining Awareness of Team Member Needs
  • Managing Resources & Balancing Priorities
  • Teamwork

Personality assessments are important for determining how a candidate fits with both a culture and a role. To administer this test to a candidate, or to read more details about this assessment, view the Pre-Hire Personality Assessment (First-Line Supervisor Focus) in our test catalog.

About HR Avatar, Inc.

Founded in 2009, HR Avatar is a privately held Virginia Corporation based outside Washington, D.C. in Aldie, VA. HR Avatar offers a broad catalog of pre-employment assessments, including over 200 simulation-based, whole-person assessments in multiple languages. Additionally, the company provides selection-focused video interviewing services, online automated reference checks, and secure remote test proctoring.