Back   HR Avatar Partner recognized as a Top Leader in the Philippines
January 25, 2023, 1:05:00 PM EST

We are excited to announce that has named Liza Manalo-Mapagu, CEO of ASEMETRICS and long-time partner of HR Avatar, to its list of the top 45 HR leaders in the Philippines.

Liza Manalo-MapagupeopleHum, a global human capital management company and provider of award-winning HCM software with offices in the United States, India, and the Philippines, describes Liza as:

"Liza M. is the Chief Executive Officer at Aseametrics. She is a dynamic, results-oriented leader with a strong track record of outstanding performance in start-ups, turnaround and high-paced organizations. She has almost 30 years of work experience and consulting in various industries. Liza utilizes keen analysis & insights, and a team approach to drive organizational improvements and the implementation of best practices."

See the entire list of leaders in the 45 HR Leaders in Philippines Reimagining the Future of Workplaces blog post.

We are HR Avatar are proud to highlight Liza as a dynamic leader who has succeeded in starting and growing multiple businesses in the human capital field while simultaneously developing her professional network and reputation as a thought leader in human resources. Her vision and inexhaustible energy have been the catalyst for the more than 100 companies and government agencies that HR Avatar currently serves through Aseametrics. Well done Liza!


ASEAMETRICS is an HR Consulting firm that provides solutions to help companies solve talent-related business problems, and identify, develop, and manage the human resource for business success. Aseametrics has been a close partner of HR Avatar since 2014. For more information, visit

About HR Avatar, Inc.

Founded in 2009, HR Avatar is a privately held Virginia Corporation based outside Washington, D.C. in Aldie, VA. HR Avatar offers a broad catalog of pre-employment assessments, including over 200 simulation-based, whole-person assessments in multiple languages. Additionally, the company provides selection-focused video interviewing services, online automated reference checks, and secure remote test proctoring.