Back   CEFR-Equivalent U.S. English Assessments for Reading and Listening Now Available
July 29, 2024, 6:14:00 PM EDT

In today's hyper-connected, hyper-competitive world, the ability to communicate effectively is essential to any organization's customer-facing employees. Consequently, the ability to measure a candidate's language abilities is crucial for hiring managers and recruiting organizations. While HR Avatar has published various assessments that measure language ability, we have been asked by our customers to create tests that produce results consistent with levels published by the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR).

We are proud to announce the release of CEFR-equivalent assessments for both Reading and Listening in U.S. English. These assessments have been painstakingly constructed to match CEFR standards. Both produce results according to HR Avatar's normative based 0 - 100 scale. However, they ALSO provide information about the measured CEFR proficiency level (A1, A2, B1, B2, C1, or C2).

Each assessment is adaptive in that it will not proceed once it has reached the point where the candidate is no longer proficient. Additionally, randomization in conjunction with a large question bank is employed to prevent cheating. Questions are also timed individually for the same reason. Depending on their level, candidates can expect to spend between 10 and 30 minutes completing the assessment.

Both assessments were designed for delivery on mobile or desktop devices.

More Information

The assessments are contained in our public assessment catalog and can be viewed using the links below:
CEFR-Equivalent U.S. English Listening
CEFR-Equivalent U.S. English Reading

If you would like to learn more about these assessments or about how you can embed HR Avatar assessments into your hiring and employee development processes, please contact us here.

About HR Avatar, Inc.

Founded in 2009, HR Avatar is dedicated to helping employers hire, develop, and promote the best possible employees, while ensuring fairness and inclusion for all participants. The company offers a broad catalog of pre-employment assessments, including over 200 simulation-based, whole-person assessments in multiple languages. Additionally, the company provides selection-focused video interviewing services, online automated reference checks, and secure remote test proctoring.