Back   Simulation-based Testing Makes a Splash at SIOP 2013
April 8, 2013, 8:00:00 PM EDT
The annual conference of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Society (SIOP), held in Houston, Texas in 2013 included an unprecedented 7 sessions addressing the use of simulation technology in assessment.

Presenters at these sessions represented more than 20 different corporations and 10 different universities, sharing their thoughts on the rapid adoption of simulation technology in the testing industry.

Several of the more noteworthy sessions included the following:

IGNITE Lightning Round: Simulations and Personal Selection

Synopsis: The science and practice of employee selection has advanced at a steady pace over the past 2 decades. However, recent advancements in both technology and assessment methods has resulted in an evolutionary leap in simulations. This IGNITE panel discussion provides a fast-paced, state-of-the-art overview of simulation technologies.

Innovations in Assessment: How Computer Animation Transforms Testing

Organizations are using computer animation and high-definition avatars to select job candidates at increasing rates. Although the benefits of using such assessments are numerous, empirical research appears to be lagging. The presentations in this symposium will describe applicant reactions, attitudes, motivation, and test performance as they relate to multimedia SJTs.

Proposing a Taxonomy for Simulation Tests

Synopsis: This study proposes a general taxonomy for simulation tests in order to facilitate understanding and discussion of their psychometric properties. Generalizability theory is used to explain how the dimensions under this taxonomy determine reliability and validity of the tests. Findings can help researchers and practitioners in evaluating and developing simulation tests.

Innovations in Online Simulations: Design, Assessment, and Scoring Issues

Synopsis: The presentations in this symposium focus on design- and measurement-related innovations in online, simulation-based assessment. These innovations relate to the construction of the scenario itself, including evoking targeted competencies through a variety of question types and how customized branching increases the realism of virtual role plays and other related assessments.

The WOW! Factor: Design 101 for Technology-Delivered Tests

Synopsis:  Innovative item types are becoming more prevalent among electronically delivered assessments. Practitioners are wooed by the wide range of possibilities in terms of graphical enhancement of items. Adding too much pizzazz, or wow, however, can have unintended consequences. Experienced panelists provide an overview of UI design principles.

New Frontiers in Simulations for Selection: What's New? What's Next?

Synopsis: This panel will promote the sharing of innovative uses of job-related simulations for selection of employees in professional jobs. Panelists will discuss how technology has led to innovations, challenges, and additional opportunities to use simulations in selection processes. Future challenges and applications of simulations for employee selection will be discussed.

Additional information about the conference as well as SIOP itself can be found at