University of Minnesota Health Care Professionalism SJT (Selection Version)


About the test

The Healthcare Professionalism Situational Judgment Assessment (Selection Pilot Version) was developed by the University of Minnesota Medical School, with assistance and technical support from HR Avatar.

The assessment is designed to provide developmental feedback to help healthcare professionals improve on seven key professionalism and interpersonal dimensions that are critical to success as a medical student, resident or fellow. A series of frequently encountered - yet difficult to navigate - scenarios are presented to health-care students using semi-realistic animation. The student must then evaluate the effectiveness of different responses and ultimately choose the response they think is best.

The scenarios focus on the following topics and measurement dimensions:

  • Dependability
  • Planning/Organizing
  • Thoroughness
  Stress Tolerance
  • Situational Stress Tolerance
  • Interpersonal Stress Tolerance
Aspiring to Excellence
  • Work Commitment
  • Motivation to Learn
  • Trustworthiness
  • Discretion
  • Personal Conduct
  • Organizational Citizenship
Patient-Centered Care
  • Compassion
  • Patient-Advocacy
  • Respect for Diversity
  • Cooperation
  • Respectful Interaction
  • Team Building
  • Personal Responsibility
  • Self-Awareness

The competency model for the Healthcare Professionalism Situational Judgment Assessment was developed and validated at the University of Minnesota Medical School in a series of workshops with faculty members and Ph.D. educators. The model was validated to ensure the behaviors measured the intended facets and were viewed to be important for successful performance as an independent physician. Early predictive validation efforts suggest the exercise is a useful predictor of overall ACGME milestone performance as well as performance in the ACGME professionalism and interpersonal and communication skill domains.

There are accompanying curricula materials available for this assessment. Click here to download.

Language: English (US)
Approximate Duration: 00:27:38.000

(Internal Use) pid=2771, Sim

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