Custom Tests and Interview Scripts
Do you have specialized knowledge, skills, or custom video interview questions?
We make it easy to create your own.
Our free online tools let you easily create your own skills or knowledge assessments and video interview scripts.
Custom Test Builder
Full-featured. Custom Test Builder makes it easy to create simple knowledge tests, interview scripts, and surveys. However, it is also powerful enough to create more sophisticated assessment types.
You can use this tool to create:
  • Specialized skills or knowledge assessments
  • Virtual Video Interviews with the questions you want to ask
  • Scored and branching surveys
Easy to access and use. The tool is available within your online account once you've signed in. Once a test or interview script is saved and published, it becomes available like any other test or script in your catalog.
Publish to the test catalog. Once a test is published through the Custom Test Builder, it is available in the online test catalog, just like any test. Administration costs are also the same as our off-the-shelf tests.
Tests from the Custom Test Builder can also be combined with off-the-shelf assessments in a Test Battery.
Custom Video Interview Script Builder
We offer both virtual (recorded) and live video interviews. Both of these can use simple interview scripts that you can create within your online account using a tool that is even easier than the Custom Test Builder.
Simply write your questions and make sure they are in the correct order. You can add optional anchors as well. Once you save the script, it's available for use in both Live and Virtual (recorded) video interviews.
Publish your own structured virtual video interview. This is a simple and easy way to ask candidates the questions you want in a structured, consistent way.
No additional cost. There is no cost to create a custom virtual video interview assessment. Our custom test builder can be used to create a virtual video interview assessment. However, we make it even easier for you using our interview scripts tool. Simply create an interview script in which you enter your questions one by one. Then publish the script to a virtual video interview assessment. It's that simple.
No additional cost. There is no cost to create a custom virtual video interview assessment. Our custom test builder can be used to create a virtual video interview assessment. However, we make it even easier for you using our interview scripts tool. Simply create an interview script in which you enter your questions one by one. Then publish the script to a virtual video interview assessment. It's that simple.
To create your first script now, simply sign in to your account (you may need to register first) and go to 'Video Interviews' on the top menu bar.
Assessment Development Services
Specialized Simulation. Do you need a highly specialized assessment or simulation? In addition to our off-the-shelf simulation-based assessments, we have created over 100 custom simulations for specific customers, including the US Secret Service, Social Security Administration, various other US Federal agencies, large associations, and several large corporations.
Our unique simulation-based assessment capabilities include the following:
Branching-Scenarios Expertise
The key to creating effective job simulations is writing engaging scenarios that branch down various paths based on the applicant’s choices. Unfortunately, designing branching scenarios can be an unwieldy task for your development team. We can help you avoid costly false-starts with experienced creative direction, employment assessment expertise, a proven authoring process, and specialized technology so you save time and money.
Simulation and Assessment Technology
Our testing platform offers many features that allow us to develop and administer our many types of feature rich assessments that exploit the latest cloud and artificial intelligence technology.
We use specialized simulation development and assessment technology to author, administer, report and manage Job Simulation assessments that work on almost any smart device. The robust tool set provides us the power, flexibility and control to rapidly create, deliver, and manage simulation-based scenarios, a wide-variety of assessment item-types, administration on almost any smart device, and easy maintenance.
2D Animation Production
We specialize in producing workplace simulations using 2D-character animation. We can completely customize the look and style of the scenarios to match your needs, or for a more economical approach, you can choose characters from our art-library.
Learn how to make custom tests and more today!

With customization, there are no limits.

"What I liked the most was that it is accessible from anywhere as long as there is an Internet connection. I also loved the test catalog and simulations, as well as the notifications that indicate when the candidate finishes the test."
Christele A., Banegas Architectes
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