Pre-Hire Personality - Administration (Russian)


The Pre-Hire Personality - Administration (Russian) is designed to measure key personality attrributes of candidates that have been proven to relate to performance on the job. This test measures a candidate's attitudes, interests, and motivations (AIMS). Weights have been set to create an overall score that is tuned to administrative assistants or similar roles. The purpose of the Pre-Hire Personality test is to determine personality fit. Once evidence is collected that determines whether a candidate can do a job - their knowledge, skills, and abilites - it is important to evaluate how well the candidate will fit within a specific role and within a specific corporate culture.

This test is mobile ready and operates on desktops, laptops and most modern mobile devices.

The professional version of the Pre-Hire Personality test measures scales most relevant to employees filling professional positions. The 10 specific personality attributes measured include:

  • Adaptable
  • Competitive
  • Corporate Citizenship
  • Develops Relationships
  • Enjoys Problem-Solving
  • Exhibits a Positive Work Attitude
  • Expressive and Outgoing
  • Innovative and Creative
  • Needs Structure
  • Seeks Perfection

Additionally, this test includes three emotional intelligence factors:

  • Empathy
  • Emotional Self-Control
  • Emotional Self-Awareness

The results report provides a description of each scale, as well as sample interview questions to help hiring managers probe areas in which the score causes a concern.

Note that while the Pre-Hire Personality employment test is a powerful instrument for evaluating a candidate for "fit" with a job, it is not intended to be a developmental instrument. The test report is structured to assist hiring managers in evaluating factors that often contribute to job performance and others that often detract from performance. The Pre-Hire Personality test also assists hiring managers by highlighting areas to probe during job interviews. The Pre-Hire Personality test result report is not designed to provide any type of advice to job candidates on how to improve their performance.

Time to Complete:10 Minutes (Approximately)
Specifications:Desktop, Laptop, Tablet, Mobile (any device with an internet browser)

(Internal Use) pid=4407, Sim

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